a few helpful terms for when I describe how my writing is going:
grinding (v.) - the act of forced writing, either self-imposed or by others. Usually, it results in some pretty awful stuff, but it keeps writer's block to a minimum. Still, this is the kind of writing that makes it feel like work.
ex. "I was grinding out pages today and it's all trash."
flow (n.) - the state of thoughtful writing. When I get an idea and can fluid write and quasi-edit without being overly-critical. A semi-fictional ideal.
ex. "Where did the last two hours of my life go? I must have been in a good flow."
gushing (v.) - the opposite of grinding. Compulsive writing, writing so fast the ideas are faster than my hand. (Think arterial spray.) The only way I wrote as a teenager. Usually the kind of writing that needs heavy editing and often requires complete dismissal.
ex. "Can't really talk now, this idea's totally gushing out."
I think I've hit a minor flow lately. And it feels really good. Having said that, I know I'll be back to grinding soon.
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