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Monday, October 8, 2012

First meeting

I work better in a class. Maybe it's the feeling that writing assignments don't have to be 'good' they just have to be 'finished' frees me. In fact, I know that's a part of it. But there is also an immediate investment I feel for my classmates. I become so engaged in helping them work, and in honoring their time with me, that I really push myself. Several times I have seen classmates writing safe things and holding back from looking like a creep or a freak or... who knows what. That's usually when I open up with something I know will be disturbing, something that usually disturbs me and I sweat profusely while I read it. I do that so everyone will be free to write anything that comes into their head. And the strange part is, it usually works.

And my classmates have given back to me in such rich ways: wonderful critiques, inspiring words and courageous work that really pushes me to strive for more. That's why I am so thrilled to have been selected for a new writer's group. As always, when I looked around the circle at our first meeting, I thought "Oh man, do I deserve to be here?" Everyone's story was of "real" artistic work with credentials or incredible potential to back it up.

And I was there too.

I know this feeling will pass. And I know great things will come from it. For right now, I'm just grateful to be involved.


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